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  • Does MAD provide Interpreters?
    No, MAD provides the list only after screening the interpreters.
  • How do I find out about ASL classes?
    Sign language classes can be found at community colleges, universities, libraries, churches, organizations/clubs for the deaf, and more places. You can practice your signs with people who are deaf or hard of hearing and who know ASL. Generally, people who know ASL are patient about showing new signers how to sign different things, the correct way to sign something, and usually, they will slow down their signing so you can understand them too. They are also willing to repeat words or statement if you do not understand them at the first time (or even second) time. They are based in Bozeman, Missoula and Great Fall. Please contact that near your town. Example, If you are from Big Sky or Livingston, the near will be in Bozeman. If you are from Lolo or Arlee, you are near to Missoula. Same with Great Fall.
  • Can MAD continue to grow as an organization? If yes, how so?
    Certainly! With the power of social media, various MAD events, and sponsorship opportunities — the MAD will continue to advocate for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Everyone is welcome to join as a member.
  • How do I become a Member of MAD?
    There are way for you to join or renew your individual MAD membership. Regular- $20
  • I want to donate to the MAD, how?
    You can donate online or mail your donation. If you are mailing your donation via certified mail, please ensure that you have MAD’s address correct: Montana Association of the Deaf
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© 2023 by Montana Association of the Deaf. 

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